Sunday, August 12, 2007

June 26 - Monkey park!

So today I decided to head up to Arashima, which is supposed to be quite beautiful. It's on the outskirts of Kyoto, up near the hills and some river that I forgot the name of...

Across the river from the bus stop, there was a park with hydrangeas in bloom! Besides this however, it was kind of a sad park, not much else to look at.

Did I mention that it was super-hot that day also? Even this giant stuffed animal inexplicably chilling outside a store front looked like he was melting in the sun.

Anyway, after almost a week backpacking, I decided it was time to take a break from malls and art and do something mildly adventurous. Like climb a mountain.

Or, you know, a hill works too.

Anyway, at the bottom of this hills in the entrance to the Monkey Park, which I decided I wanted to see because we had to read two stories about monkeys in Japanese class last year.

The trail begins...

Now I know I'm not the most athletic person in the world (most strenuous physical activities typically being the walk from my dorm room to Vanserg Hall every morning), but in this kind of heat, climbing up this hill really tired me out. O_o

The trees at the half-way point.

Further proof that everything in Japan is illustrated with ridiculous, cute cartoons. Despite the seemingly harmless monkey cartoons though, the signs gave strict instructions not to look the monkeys in the eye. Slightly disconcerting...

On the second half of the climb I started to see monkeys just sitting around, no fences or anything. Pretty cool. ^_^

Finally made it to the top!!! See? It's pretty high. I'm not a total wimp for being completely exhausted afterwards... right? Anyway, I'm sure you can see pretty much all of Kyoto from here.

The observation platform at the top, where the highest concentration of monkeys are. I think you can feed them here too.

A funny monkey just chilling on the roof. By the way, since it was a weekday and school was still in session in Japan at the time, pretty much the only people here were me and this class of biology students on a field trip. One of them stared at a monkey in the eye and it made a sudden movement, as if to go "boo!" and she screamed and fell down. It was pretty funny. ^^;;

Monkeys and people - we could see them really closely!

This one walks like a quadruped...

They also had a watering hole.

And I was impressed at their camouflage with the rocks. O_O

This one looks like he's waiting for the bus or something. ^^

I dared to look one in the eye long enough to take a picture. He didn't attack me, yay!

Monkey sitting on the rocks.

Monkey family in a tree.

Anyway, after monkey-viewing it was time to walk back down the hill.

And cute little Mr. Monkey had a little sign with trivia questions about monkeys, probably for little kids, but I was still excited that I got all of them right/could understand the questions. ^_^

Anyway, afterwards was Gion, the famous traditional/Geisha district in Kyoto. I mostly just took pictures of all the pretty architecture.

The more commercial main drag.

A shrine where you can pray for the healing of eye ailments. O_o Gee, Shinto temples sure are specific, aren't they...

Toooons of paper cranes.

Pretty backstreets.

It was also starting to rain a little bit at this point, ew...

Also, I feel the need to point out that a lot of these places here are expensive traditional Japanese restaurants or Geisha teahouses, and seriously every pair of shoes left outside were the same indistinguishable black leather businessman shoes. ^^;;

Anyway, back in the more commercial part of Gion, toy vegetables!! Why? I have no idea. But I find it ironic that they were cheaper than real vegetables.

And a store selling traditional goods. Hehe, gong!!!

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